THE FULLNESS OF GOD. - Reverend Oluwayomi Eniola


Friday, October 16, 2020


Bible Reading: Ephesian 3:14-19.
God is not a God of emptiness He is a God of fullness. Anytime He meets emptiness He fills it up. In Genesis when God met the earth He filled it with plants, animals, man and other things. He met the empty womb of Mary and filled her with baby Jesus. He met the empty spirit of the disciples and in the upper room he filled them with the Holy Ghost. You too can come to God with your empty life and allow Him to fill you up with good things of life and things of eternal Value. 
Paul in Ephesian 3:19 prayed one of the greatest prayers ever, he prayed that you might be filled with all of the fullness of God.
Can you imagine how much you can do with your life when your life is filled with all, not some, but ALL OF THE FULLNESS OF GOD. Think of anything that God does not have and cannot have, either spiritual or natural, those are the things you can't have, why? Because you are filled with all of the fullness of God. Then think also of everything good things that God has both spiritual and natural, those are the things you can have, why? Because you're filled with all of the fullness of God. 
Therefore, to stay away from sins, unrighteousness and iniquities, sorrow, pains, poverty, frustration, failure, sickness and so on, all you need is be filled with the fullness of God. To have salvation, holiness, purity, joy in your heart, peace for your soul, love, prosperity, success, good health, blessings and the rest, think of anything good thing missing in your life, you can find them back when you are filled with all of the fullness of God. But you can't be filled with God's fullness except that you first give your life to Jesus by being born again. If you're born again, I congratulates you and thank God for your life, and I join you to the experience of prayer of Paul, that you shall be filled with all of the fullness of God in Jesus name.

Prayer Points: Pray that God will fill you with all of His fullness and meet your life in the ares of your emptiness, in Jesus name.

(This write up is from Rev Oluwayomi Eniola, PURPOSE FINDERS ASSEMBLY OF THE PRECEPTS SEEKERS CHURCH INT'L., Phone: +234 806 755 0234)

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God bless you as you do in Jesus name.

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