BY FAITH - Reverend Oluwayomi Eniola


Tuesday, April 13, 2021



Bible Reading: Hebrew 11: 6-11.

"BY FAITH ABRAHAM, when he was called [by God], OBEYED by going to a place which he was to receive as an inheritance; and he went, not knowing where he was going."

It is important to know that faith is not just the name given to an action, but a spirit that takes hold of a person that produces an action, this is based on total reliance and trust in God. Apostle Paul said we having the same SPIRIT OF FAITH; that spirit that propel men to speak out what we believed in based on what is written in the word of God. 2 Corinthians 4:13;

"We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;"

He is showing us that the reason why many people find it so difficult to speak and act in line with what they claim to believed, is because the spirit of faith hasn't take hold of them.

Speaking is not difficult, but it's speaking in line with what is written for you in God's word, that many find very difficult. And its only speaking and acting by faith in line with God's word that can get everything done for you on the earth, by faith all things are possible. But it becomes really impossible to speak or act in faith without the spirit of faith, because faith does not make sense it is a spirit.

It is the lack of spirit of faith that makes many of the poeple of God to be disobeying divine instructions, and that is why miraculous is rare in thier lives. Because the instructions they recieved does not make any sense at all. There was no sense that you were stranded by the side of a river and the next thing you are looking for is a rod or cloth like Moses and Elijah/Elisha did, but that was divine instruction they recieved to carry out for the miraculous to happen for them. Imagine you need to pull down a very strong wall and the next thing you embarked on is to match round, but that was God's instructions to Joshua for the Children of Israelites to do to pull the wall of Jericho down. Acts of faith does not make normal human sense, its only make spiritual sense, and that is faith, but this faith runs by the spirit of faith, and when this takes hold of you, obedience to God on any matter becomes cheap, and miracles becomes constant.

Prayer Point: Pray that the Lord will baptized you with the spirit of faith to enter a life total, constant and immediate obedience to God in Jesus name.

(This write up is from Rev Oluwayomi Eniola, PURPOSE FINDERS ASSEMBLY OF THE PRECEPTS SEEKERS CHURCH INT'L., Phone: +234 806 755 0234)

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God bless you as you do in Jesus name.

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God bless you.