DON'T BE IGNORANT - Reverend Oluwayomi Eniola


Monday, December 18, 2017


Bible Reading: Luke 4:1-13, 2 Corinthians 2:11
As a child of God it is very important for us to always gain victory over the devil who is our real enemy. We must first of all, recognized how the devil operates. Many times the devil appear to children of God to tempt or to attack them, and they fail to defeat the devil, not because devil is too strong for them but because he outsmarted them. Paul said, we must not be ignorance of the devices of satan so that he will not take an advantage of us. 2 Corinthians 2:11. God said through Prophet Hosea in chapter 4 of his book verse 6, that my people were destroy for lack of knowledge. One of the knowledge you must have is how to recognize the devil when he appears. Years ago, when we watch Christian films, they picture the devil to us as a being with too horns, a long black tail, black hairy body, and a very ugly face. And today many children of God are still look for a devil that look like the one movies pictured to us. If you are looking for that kind of the Devil, then, the Devil will get you. In the devil's temptations to Jesus as we read in Luke 4., verse 11, after Satan finished his temptation to Jesus he left him for a while. Now the question was that, did the devil came back to face Jesus again? Yes! But not directly, as we read in our scripture today, devil came back to try Jesus through men. When Jesus said of Judas that he was a devil what do you think he meant. At a time Peter was wrongly counseling Jesus against his death on the cross, and Jesus said to Peter get the behind me Satan. When the bible says that Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus to ask question to test who do you think came through them. When Jesus was on the cross and the soilders, thief on the left and passers by said to him on the cross, if you are the son of God come down from the cross, who do you think was tempting Jesus. It was the devil who left Jesus for a while in Luke 4, that came back to tempt him again coming through different men. So if you want to recognize where the devil is, watch out on men and women around you. Look at people whose counsel to you is contrary to God's will for your life, even when their counsels sounds good to men. Devil comes in through different men or women around you, he attacks you through persons who are even close to you. You need to regularly pray to God to give you more light about people around you, and as soon as you pick the devil in men around, rebuke him and cast him out, and he shall flee away from you. Stop looking for a devil that looks like the one our Christian films pictured it. Devil hides in different men and things around you. For Joseph he hides in the wife of Portiphar, for David he came through Bathseba, for Jesus sometimes he hides in Peter. The devil in the days of our great great grand father lives in the junction, but the devil of today lives in men, the internet and other things around you. Be sensitive to it, you shall not fall into his trap in Jesus name.
Prayer Point: Pray that God will light your candle and enlightening your darkness, to reveal to you every hidden works of the Devil around you.

(Courtesy of THE PRECEPTS SEEKERS CHURCH INT'L. Email:, phone: +234 806 755 0234)