Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:25, 2 Chronicles 20:5-22.
"For GOD'S NONSENSE is WISER than human wisdom and GOD'S WEAKNESS is STRONGER than human strength." (ISV)
God will always be God no matter how smart a man can be, the way He works are mysterious, He always works out something difficult in an easy way. God said to Abraham is anything to hard for Him to do? Not only that God can do all things but He does it in an easy way. More so He uses things that look stupid to do wise things, and small things to achieve great things.
In 2 Chronicles 20, Three nations rose up to fight against Judea, that was ruled by Jehoshaphat, the army of these nations are too strong for Judea to handle, and they are very close to attack Judea, so to try to face the army of the enemy is not an option. But Jehoshaphat rose up to pray in the temple unto God, this the men will call nonsense but God call wisdom. Two, the Spirit of God came on a man, and he gave Judea prophecy that they will have victory over the enemy, and they will not need to lift a finger to fight in the battle, nonsense number two, the wise men of the world will call it. Thirdly, Jehoshaphat consulted with the people, and he appointed singers to sing and praise God, the choirs were put ahead of the army as they go to the battle, this is errand nonsense, wise men of the world will call it. That is suicide mission, it is not strategic enough to put choir in front of the army going to the battle. Imagine Nigerian army going out against the Boko-Araham in Sambisa forest, and they put combined choir in front of the army to lead the army to Sambisa forest. That will be nonsense and stupid thing to do in such a critical battle, but if that instruction comes from God, that might be nonsense to man but it is the wisdom of God. Vs.22 Said as the choir began to sing and praise the Lord, the Lord moved and killed the enemy of His people, before they ever got to the battle front. So Judea got victory over the three nations without lifting a finger to fight in the battle, just as God said. Judea moved in faith against their enemies by standing on the instructions of God, and believing the promises of God for them.
So God always makes difficult things easy, and also uses something small to do something great. You must asked yourself do you want to make sense to men, or you want to experience the power of God? To experience the power of God you must have faith in what looks like the nonsense of God to men, but is the wisdom of God, that is what connects those who believe to the power of God, to manifest the glory of God in their lives. 1 Corinthians 2:5.
Prayer Points: Pray that God will baptized you with the spirit of faith, that connects you to the wisdom of God so you can manifest the glory of God.
(Courtesy of THE PRECEPTS SEEKERS CHURCH INT'L. Email:, phone: +234 806 755 0234)