WHAT MARRIAGE IS. - Reverend Oluwayomi Eniola


Monday, November 13, 2017


Bible Reading: Matthew 19:1-6.
The experiences of several people in their marriage, even children of God, as make them to come to define marriage by their own experience, some call their spouse necessary evil, others call marriage a burden, and such horrible words. The worst part of it is that they are passing that knowledge to the coming generations. But you can't use your own experience to conclude on what marriage is, it is only the word of God that can tell you what marriage is and should be, and anything contrary to that is not God's intention for creating marriage and such marriage needs urgent help.
That was why Jesus answered the man who asked him question about marriage in verse 4; that have you read? Marriage is not what you think or what you have seen, neither should it be run the way you think. But it must be as the word of God said. Therefore, I will like to mention few things of what God's word said marriage should be and that is what God want your marriage to be.
1. Marriage is good: God want your marriage to be good and not terrible. Gen.2:18
2. Marriage brings great reward to your labour: God didn't create marriage to dry you out, but when the two join efforts together, they achieve more. Eccl.4:9.
3. Marriage is rejoicing: God create it to be a place of joy and excitement, not a thing of pains and sorrow. Prov.5:18.
There are more that God create marriage to be for man kind. Seeing these from the manual of marriage, you now know what God want your marriage to be, anything short of this is not the workings of God. I pray that your marriage will be what God intended it to be for you in Jesus name.
Prayer Points: Bind every experiences in your marriage that is different from what the word says, and pray that your marriage will align with the word of God.

(Courtesy of THE PRECEPTS SEEKERS CHURCH INT'L. Email: pastoryomieniola@gmail.com, phone: +234 806 755 0234)