Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 29:29, Psalm 25:12-14.
God has a lot of secrets about you with Him, He knows them but you don't, because You're limited but He is unlimited. He knows the person you are to marry before you meet each other, He knows the school you must attend before you ever registered for Primary, He knows where you are to work before you think of writing application, think of anything about yourself God knows them about you, but you don't. All these are secrets to you but are well known to Him.
So for you to be relevant in God's program for your life and our generation, you must know how to connect regularly to Him, to have access into His secret about your life, or your family, your generation etc.
But the main thing is that what God will look for in the life of a man He will reveal His secret to, is the fear of God. That is a conscious respect of who The Lord is based on understanding. And this will reflect in the way you live and choices you make, if you have a clash of choice between something else and God, and you choose to go with other things rather God's will, it simply shows you lack the fear of God, and God's secret can never be revealed to you. So if you want God's secret to be revealed to you, then consciously developed the fear of God, by respecting the will of God no matter the cost, choosing His will above all, and living your life only to please Him. Then you will see how God will take through the journey of destiny without wasting time at all.
Prayer Point: Pray that the Spirit of the fear of The Lord will baptize you all the days of your life.