OUR HELPER IS IN GOD - Reverend Oluwayomi Eniola


Tuesday, April 27, 2021


Bible Reading: 2 Kings 6:25-30, Psalm 121:1-2.
This is the story of the experience of the effect of the siege laid against the city of Samaria, the famine that came as a result of the siege was so strong that when people of the land has nothing to eat, they started eating human beings. And there were these women who agreed to eat the children of each other, but one was cheated and so she came crying to the king for help. But the king said to her, I myself has come to the dead end of myself, and unless God move to help all of us, there is no where I can find help to give you. 

Because at this poin in time even the king just finished mourning because the bible said in verse 30 that the king has sackcloth as under wear. The king himself is confused and needed help, when the woman came to meet him crying for help. As much as the king would have loved to help the woman but that time the king himself was helpless.

That's what happened many times when we pray and it look like there is a little delay in the answer to prayer, men start thinking of another option to God, incase He failed to help. But the question is, if God does not help you, where could you have found help to replace God? Your cry for help should not be to man, because until God moved to help you, men will not respond to you.

Psalm 20:2 says that God will send you help from His sanctuary, the process of God sending is that, he He will send it through men, but it does not come from man, your help comes from the Lord. So always look up to God for help, like David in Psalm 121:1-2 says;

… I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, a from whence cometh my help. [2] My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. …

You must know that men you think will help you, also needs help themselves. Start looking up to God from whom all help flows from.

Prayer Point: Pray to recieve faith that connects properly to God to take the help that God has laid down for you on daily basis.

Emailpastoryomieniola@gmail.com, Phone: +234 806 755 0234)

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God bless you as you do in Jesus name.

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God bless you.